Whether it's learning the newest and most patient-friendly techniques, sharing safety protocols, or lobbying for patient's rights and patient-focused legislation, Dr. Freedman is a "Dental Champion" for you, the public at large, and the dental profession.
Dr. Freedman has always been committed to continuing his education. To provide the best, most up-to-date care for his patient family, the educational process must continue! Dr. Freedman attends several national conferences on a yearly basis, as well as numerous local meetings. Dr. Freedman also includes his staff in the educational process, as they are often included in many of the regional courses.
Today's dental care requires a skilled and motivated team with a commitment to lifelong learning! Dr. Freedman isn't just an attendee but has been helping to plan the educational component of the Greater Philadelphia Dental Conference and the Pennsylvania Dental Meeting for over a decade.
Dr. Freedman attending the ADA Annual Meeting
The clinical team at the Greater New York Meeting
New technology, innovative techniques, and updated materials are being introduced at an ever-increasing pace. How does one decide what is truly a benefit for patient care and well-being? Well, if it is continuing education that brings them to Dr. Freedman's attention, it is his own research and investigation that measures the value. Nothing becomes part of the daily routine unless it has been completely vetted and repeatedly evaluated. That has been a formula for success for over 30 years.
CBCT images which allow for 3D views
PAINLESS “needles” with STA
Trios 3Shape - Impressions are now scanned
Finally, whether it is in Washington, DC, or Harrisburg, Dr. Freedman advocates for just and fair legislation for his patient family and for all citizens of Pennsylvania. The saying goes, "If not me, then who?" and Dr. Freedman takes his responsibility to make sure laws that involve dental care and dentistry are fair and just.
The most pressing piece of current legislation is to create a standard for the "Dental Loss Ratio". Simply put, this law would require dental insurance companies to allocate 85% of your premium dollars toward your direct treatment. Pennsylvania currently has NO guidelines for this, and dental insurance companies are battling the dental profession over this issue! In Massachusetts in 2023, a similar law was enacted, and four dental insurance companies left the state. As practice law is a state-by-state issue, Dr. Freedman is leading the charge to make sure your premium dollars provide you with benefits!
At the Capital
Pennsylvania Delegation at a Senate visit
Governor Shapiro & Health Secretary Arkoosh
Representative Sanchez of the 153 District
Congresswoman Dean (D)
Congressman Fitzpatrick (R)